Here now and now here or nowhere

The title of this blog comes from a play on words that "now here" is also the same letters as "nowhere" just with a space added in the middle. I am always trying to get better at being in the here and now, and I've always been a bit of a joker so that is why I chose this name.

Monday, March 29, 2010

cold feet

Today while cleaning the guest house I got the non proverbial cold feet. The guest house is not used very much so they don't heat the floors there like they do in our residence. So while cleaning it today I found my feet to be incredibly cold, if not freezing. You leave your shoes at the front door in Korean houses, so I found myself barefoot and incredibly cold in the feet. Luckily, upstairs there are a pair of slippers that just sort of barely fit me. So I put them on to get my feet a bit more warm Below is the picture, in all gloriousness that is them.

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