Here now and now here or nowhere

The title of this blog comes from a play on words that "now here" is also the same letters as "nowhere" just with a space added in the middle. I am always trying to get better at being in the here and now, and I've always been a bit of a joker so that is why I chose this name.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Takins... Round 2

When I was in Xian, China I discovered an animal I had never seen before. The Takin. A sort of goat meets cow hybrid of an Antelope.  The chinese one was yellow, these a darker color.  Sadly, I couldn't get too close as the fences prohibited this as well a making it hard to get a good shot of the animals. The Takin is the national animal of Bhutan, which makes sense as they are a very peaceful and seemingly happy animal.

The nature reserve also had a few other animals such as deer and antelopes of various sorts.  Not the most exciting of zoo type places, but always cool to see newer (to me) types of animals.

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