Here now and now here or nowhere

The title of this blog comes from a play on words that "now here" is also the same letters as "nowhere" just with a space added in the middle. I am always trying to get better at being in the here and now, and I've always been a bit of a joker so that is why I chose this name.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Missed Chance To Eat Porcupine

On my way back home from chiang mai to luang prabang my bus stopped for lunch in a small town whose name I don't know.  The lunch itself wasn't memorable however as were leaving someone notuced a weird looking animal in the kitchen.  Turns out they had caught a porcupine and were preparing it to be eaten.  I'm not sure that I've ever been so close to a porcupine before.  It's needles were something of natural beauty. Sharp enough to cut through skin but yet incredibly light and hollow. Sadly we had to leave and I didn't get the chance to taste this delicacy.

Hot washing the animal to help make the skin softer in order to have an easier time shedding the skin and needles.

IMG 0244Shaving the porcupine, notice the needles in the bottom of the bucket.

1 comment:

  1. o andy. do you not feel that unlike the sweet and beleaguered porcupine, you may have dodged a bullet??? xx
