Here now and now here or nowhere

The title of this blog comes from a play on words that "now here" is also the same letters as "nowhere" just with a space added in the middle. I am always trying to get better at being in the here and now, and I've always been a bit of a joker so that is why I chose this name.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thai Massage School

I'm only allowed to be in Laos for 3 months at a time before having to do a border run. As a US citizen I get a 1 month visa that can be extended twice for up to one month each extension. Around the middle of August would be the time my visa would expire but I also had a wedding I had to attend then so I figured I'd leave a little earlier to be able to make the wedding. You see, you can't just leave Luang Prabang, cross a border and come back. In Vientiane you can as there is a bridge to Thailand right there but in LP we're at least a day if not two to get to a border, and it ain't so cheap. So I figured if I was going to head to Thailand and incur the cost to get there that I wasn't just going to cross and cross back. No, I'd go and do something relevant. I'd go and get Thai Massage certified. why? well first off, why not? I've always enjoyed giving massages but never had proper training. Also, more importantly, there is a high correlation between Thai mMassage and yoga. In fact it is sometimes referred to as Thai Yoga Massage.  So, again, why not do this when I easily could? 

To further better the deal, my friends Adam and Kaja were going to be in Chiang Mai then and Adam ended up taking the course with me.  

As fun and relaxing as it sounds, getting and giving massages for 2 weeks is incredibly tiring. I was exhausted in ways I had never been exhausted before. Thai massage works with "energy lines" not with muscles so you release toxins that are blocking your sen (energy lines) and sickness can creep in. One day out of nowhere I had a fever, and perfectly fine the next day. Some students would get headaches, constipation, or other ailments.  But it's all part of the process and of learning.  In the end I had a great time with an especially great teacher. 

Now, who wants a massage?

Our fearless and awesome teacher, Dot.  She was so precious.

The class on graduation.  Bunch of hippies! :P

On the final day we had a fun veggie friendly potluck.

What's so funny about peace love and understanding? PS, nice belly

getting my hair done

rejection :(

she may be small, but this lady packs power. A great masseuse who knows the body and points of pressure very well.
Certified. thumbs up

dancing partners

Brothers in life and massage. Me and Adam!

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